Thursday June 15

14:30Welcome and Opening Remarks (Theatersaal / Auditorium)
Lecture Room KarolinensaalTheatersaal / Auditorium
HistorioGRAPHICS of Visual Art

Bongers, Helene L. (FU Berlin):
Art HistorioGRAPHICS: Imagined (Hi)stories of Artifacts and Artworks in Museum Comics

Juko, Maria (Independent): Visualising The First Female Filmmaker: Alice Guy-Blaché and the History of Cinema
Enslavement and Revolt

Kuhlman, Martha (Bryant University):
Awakening History: Rebecca Hall’s Historiography of Women-Led Slave Revolts 

Olsza, Małgorzata (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań):
Kyle Baker’s Nat Turner as Graphic “Rememory”
Perspectives on Chinese History

Pozzi, Laura (University of Warsaw):
Mnemo Comics: The San Mao Comics Strips as Agents of History and Memory in The People’s Republic of China

Stember, Nick (University of Cambridge):
Demon Shadow under the Mysterious Buddha: Spectral Hauntings and the Karmic Dialectic
Chair: Johannes Schmid (Europa-Universität FlensburgChair: Dragos Manea (University of Bucharest)
Chair: Chang Liu (University of Heidelberg)
16:30 Coffee Break
Lecture Room KarolinensaalTheatersaal / Auditorium
Un/Framing the Past: Comics in Recent History Exhibitions
(Collaborative Talk) 

Eggert, Barbara M. (Merz Akademie Stuttgart)

Králová, Hana (National Museum Prague / National Technical Museum)

Piehl, Jona (Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin)

(Hi)Storytelling between Fact and Fiction

Precup, Mihaela (University of Bucharest):
“All hail storytellers”: Graphic Reflections on History and Conflict in Rutu Modan’s Tunnels

Polak, Kate (Florida Atlantic University):
Historio-Metagraphics: Towards a Historical Poetics of the Gutter

Bartosch, Sebastian (Independent):
A Different History: Factual and Fictional Framings of Comics as a Medium in Seth’s The Great Northern Brotherhood of Canadian Cartoonist
Re-imagining “Contact” Narratives

Gandolfo, Amadeo (FU Berlin):
It’s The End of the World as We Know It: Depicting the Conquest of the Americas in Oski’s Vera Historia de Indias

Paryż, Marek (University of Warsaw):
Depictions of Puritan America in European Comics: Indian Summer by Hugo Pratt and Milo Manara and Metacom by Jacek Widor

Zukowski, Scott (University of Graz):
Ghost River and the Archive: A Graphic Novel’s Reshaping of the Historiographic Record
Chair: –
Chair: Elizabeth Allyn Woock (Palacký University Olomouc)Chair: Charlotte Lerg (LMU Munich)
19:00Public Keynote Lecture (Hybrid)
„Comics at the End of the World“

Hillary L. Chute (Northeastern University)
Theatersaal / Auditorium
Further Information
Livestream via Amerikahaus YouTube Channel
